CEUCEU's mission is grounded in its pursuit of academic excellence and civic commitment. The university aims at excellence in the mastery of established knowledge, in the creation of new knowledge in the social sciences and the humanities, and in developing the policy implications of both. CEU has built on a combination of American and European, including regional (Central and Eastern European), intellectual and academic traditions and on commitment to social service. CEU welcomes applications from individuals from all over the world who accept this mission and CEU's curriculum tuned to that mission. As an independent institution of higher education, CEU follows the admissions policy adopted by its Senate. Admissions criteria are set in accordance with internationally-recognized standards and tests. Admission to Central European University is based upon an overall evaluation of the candidate, including: academic achievement, strength of recommendations, English language proficiency and general compatibility with the aims of the relevant department. Admission to CEU is highly competitive. Candidates may apply to two departments simultaneously and to any number of degree programs or streams within the selected departments. For the 2007/2008 academic year, CEU received applications from nearly 3,000 individuals for approximately 600 new places. Applicants to CEU came from over a hundred countries. Prospective students should bear in mind that admission to CEU is highly competitive. Main Application Deadlines January 4, 2008: For applicants to the Erasmus Mundus program. Candidates must submit the complete application files, including language test scores. January 15, 2008: For all applicants submitting complete packages, and those who wish to take the CEU-administered admissions examinations. February 28, 2008: For applicants to all programs, who submit complete application packages, including language scores and other applicable test scores. March 17, 2008: For current CEU Master's students applying to doctoral programs. Early Applications Extended Applications Deadlines
Note: Different deadlines are applicable in case of the CEU Business School's programs. For more information about the school visit its homepage.
Note: CEU candidates who plan to apply for study grants from governmental sources, foundations or other organizations, may CEU Admissions Examinations Saturday, March 1, 2008: Institutional TOEFL, Sample of Writing Ability, and department-specific examinations Note: Candidates to the Mundus MAPP Program are not eligible to participate in the CEU-administered TOEFL test. After April 1, 2008: Admissions Decisions
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